Retired after over forty years in pastoral ministry, Paul remains available to serve in a varietyof ways. He currently serves as Minister in Voluntary Association with his home congregation in Kingston Ontario, while enjoying being part of its Chancel Choir, and Coordinator of the Media and CommunicationsTeam.
Paul received his Doctorate in Ministry from Detroit’s Ecumenical Theological Seminary. There he honed his skills in faith community issues, such as governance and counseling. His particular focus of study was workplace sexual harassment in faith community settings.
Paul has also earned the Certificate in Conflict Management and Resolution from Conrad Grebel: University of Waterloo. A variety of individuals, companies, and groups have called upon him to be a Neutral Mediator / Facilitator in the midst of disharmony.
Paul has successfully trained as an Interim Minister as well as a Student Minister Intern Supervisor.
During his time in pastoral ministry Paul served congregations in Southern Manitoba, South Western and South Eastern Ontario. In the church courts, his service included years in supporting pastoral relationships in Presbytery, Conference, and national roles, leading Presbytery Property and Finance committees, serving two terms on the General Council Judicial Committee, chairing two Presbyteries, president of Conference, Commissioner to three General Councils, and providing advocacy and church Manual expertise for fellow clergy moving through the church’s disciplinary process. Paul is also a founding member of Unifaith – a Community Chapter of Unifor, which supports United Church clergy.
Paul is open to invitations to bring his skill in worship leadership and other faith community concerns to bear. Fees relate to the complexity of the request.